We have several opportunities throughout the month for the women at Cornerstone Alive to fellowship:

The Ladies Fellowship gives women of all ages the opportunity to grow together in our faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ, as well as develop friendships and a support system for one another.

A monthly meeting is held on the first Sunday of each month at 6pm. Periodically special events or field trips will be planned.

The OWLS meet on the second and fourth Monday of each month from 9am-1pm. Who are the OWLS? Old Women Learning Stuff . This group of retired women meet together to share the Word of God, maybe do a craft or service project and eat a packed lunch together.

Soul Sisters-This is a new Ladies Ministry that is just getting up and running. This will be a podcast of ladies discussing the tough topics that women face daily.

Visit the calendar to see when you can join us for some of these fellowship opportunities!